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Hip Abduction (clamshells)

Clamshells (Hip Abduction)


July 2022
Clamshells (Hip Abduction)

Clamshells (Hip Abduction)

Step 1: Lay on your side, and place a yoga block between your feet and a small circular band around your thighs.

Step 2: From there, lift the top leg up as much as you can until you feel your glutes contract hard. As you’re doing this, make sure your feet are squeezing the yoga block.

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Comments (29)

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January 04, 2023
What’s the benefit of using the yoga block?
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August 15, 2023

In the video the band is around the knees but in the written description it says to put the band around the thighs. Does it matter where it goes? Will it make a difference for which muscles are being worked if it's wrapped around the knees vs the thighs?

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July 18, 2023

If I have an imbalance, should i only train the weak side not both, right?

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February 09, 2023
Can I have some guidance on what position our hips should be in? Hip extended or flexed? Does that question make sense? I want to know how to gauge whether I’m in the right rotation position. (Thinking about BC week 1 flexion and extension)
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January 08, 2023
Do we need to use a block?
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April 18, 2024

Hi - I get a lot of IT band pain, where it goes into the knee, when doing these and the 24 hours after on my right side. This side my glutes are definitely weaker. Any ideas?

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January 04, 2024

I get pelvic pain on my weak side when I do clam shells. Any advice?

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October 18, 2023

Why do my groin muscles always get tight and sore after these and bridges no matter how many I do 😭

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February 17, 2023
Another question: when I lift the top leg up, after the 5th or 6th rep, I feel my bottom glute medius also activating. Why is that? Is it normal? If it’s not, how can reduce the bottom glute med from activating?
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